The Great Courses Plus, Changing the Way I Homeschool
**Update: The Great Courses Plus is now called Wondrium and has added much more content. Sometimes you come across resources that change...
Family Style Homeschooling
I’m so excited to have Heidi Cooper as a guest blogger today. She is a homeschooler and the author of “It’s OK to Hide in the Bathroom”...
The Best Homeschool Schedule For You
Happy New Year! So, how did last year go for you? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to? How about your last semester? A new year...
Homeschooling In Our House
I get asked a lot, How long each day do I spend homeschooling?, or How do we Homeschool ? Homeschooling will be as different to each...
Confessions of a Homeschool Mom
So Here it is, January, mid school year and time for us to record semester one grades. I have to confess, even though I am confident in...