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Video and Streaming Classes
IEW, Mathtacular, Math U See, 101 Series, Art videos, Creative Bug, Bluprint, The Great Courses Plus (Math, Thermodynamics, Art, Gardening, Cooking, Dog training), Curiosity Stream, Pureflix, Answers in Genesis, David Rives, YouTube
Middle School
IEW, Mathtacular, Math U See, Cover Story, , 101 Series, Art videos, Creative Bug, Bluprint, The Great Courses Plus (Math, Thermodynamics, Art, Gardening, Cooking, Dog training) ,Curiosity Stream, Pureflix, Civics & Constitution,Answers in Genesis, David Rives, YouTube, Etron
High School
IEW, Mathtacular, Math U See, Byline, Cover Story, OYAN,101 Series, Art videos, Creative Bug, Bluprint, The Great Courses Plus (Math, Thermodynamics, Art, Gardening, Cooking, Dog training Other History and Science w/ discretion), Curiosity Stream, Pureflix, Civics & Constitution, Economics for Everyone, Body by Evidence, Answers in Genesis, David Rives, You Tube, Etron